Thursday, August 20, 2009

I heard a commercial on the radio today. It was in a very familiar format, one guy (supposedly the 'consumer') calls an expert(the seller) and poses his concerns and questions about the product(in this case, life insurance). I have heard this commercial a million times, we all have. But for some reason this particular one struck me. Why this format? Why not have a seller talk about the product. Same information, same actor, same lack of frill as the original commercial. So why would a company pay two actors and write a longer script, and more airtime? Is our social mindset so disenfranchised from business that we can only imagine using a product if someone who is supposed to not appear associated with the company tells us its a good idea?
I hear libs saying that corporations aren't people(except of course GM & Citi, which are made of nothing but people, jobs, diversity, love and rainbows) so we shouldn't worry about them, but about people. Well what is Ford(who didn't take any TARP)? What is Safeway, Macy's and Radio Shack? Stores like this that will be hurt by rising food, transportation and labor costs. Rising taxes on corporations. This feeling of businesses(well ones still owned by private citizens) being distant giants that are our enemies and are full of greed for being against tax hikes and unions, THAT is what is allowing us to be taken advantage of forcefully by the gov't!!! We lost sight of the fact that hard working people make successful business, successful business employs people and then employed people spend money!!
So everyone, stop relating to everyone BUT the businesses that make this economy work, Joe the radio ad starring plumber doesn't employ you and your 500 closest friends, corporations do.

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