Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Are We Waking Up?

I'm sitting outside on the UC Davis campus. Sometimes it's nice just to people watch and listen to the things people talk about.

What I hear is not necessarily the strong liberal slant you'd expect from a college, especially one like UC Davis.

I hear about the bailout package, the joke of the current administration, the fear of too much government control.

People who have liberal/democrat in their facebook profiles suddenly aren't standing in the party line anymore. People are starting to see through the media bias. We are starting to see that the proposed healthcare bill is ridiculous. We are starting to see that overspending isn't helping anything, that recovery takes time and time alone. We are starting to see a power hungry regime that is trying too hard to fulfill campaign promises without looking at the repercussions.

This is not to say that we have completely woken up yet, but we are certainly stirring. I think our generation in particular grows tired of party lines and things as they are. Say what you want about us, we want real solutions and real information. We aren't necessarily content with things being done as they always have, it's evident in the way we use technology, the way we learn, the way we work, the way we communicate.

There are plenty of us who give the youth a bad name. We are ignorant, lazy, unmotivated, etc. But there are plenty of us who are learning, who are motivated, who are informed. And we won't sit back and take things as they are given to us.

Maybe soon we will all wake up and prefer to get information the proper way, which is to say, we will get the truth. We will demand the truth.


  1. .
    This is a great post, and very uplifting. It's good to see the young 'Libs' waking up to the reality of real Leftism in the White House. Just like back in my day with Dhimma Carter.

    The Left laments the Cons dominating Twitter, let's keep it that way. Thanks for following. Follow these guys to keep track of PC speech codes on College Campuses. http://twitter.com/TheFIREorg
    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    push for socialism

    let the young people see
    survive the false promises

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    throw good money after bad

    feed failing social programs
    keep the poor people poor

    absurd thought -
    your Supreme God says

    it will just educate
    way too many sheeple
    All real freedom starts with freedom of speech. Without freedom of speech there can be no real freedom.
    Philosophy of Liberty Cartoon
    Visit: HaltTerrorism.com

  2. Great post and I'm happy to read it! I worry for our younger generations-I worry for the loss of their liberty,the loss of freedom for our people,children and country.Thank you for your post,now I have Hope...
