Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Al Gore meet Martin Luther

I am not a religious person. And as a libertarian I agree with the separation of church and state, to promote free and equal patriotism. But I still understand this country's religious founding and history. We were first settled by Protestants, we ere colonized by Protestants, for our first 180 years as a country all our presidents were Protestant. But this is not a blog on religion. Not a blog on how insulting and infuriating(even to me) Obama's statements about us not being a christian country were. Its a blog about Al Gore and carbon credits...

So lets go back to the founding of the protestants, back to a man named Martin Luther. In 1517, Martin Luther wrote a document called the 95 theses in which he called the Catholic Church out on things he felt they were doing against the will of God. The most prevalent of these complaints was about the sale of indulgences. In order to raise money for its own extravagant spending, the Catholic Church began selling forgiveness for sins, not yet commited. Those who could afford it could go to the church, tell them what sins they were planning to commit, the church put a price on the sin, it was paid and God forgave..ahead of time. Convientient no?

According to Al Gore and other global alarmists, carbon emissions may just be the devil. Carbon emissions (like those emitted by Gore's private jet and Hummer limo) are a sin that is destroying our planet. BUT- if you pay enough money (or show enough slide shows) you can get away with this horrific 'sin'.

As long as the Democratic party has enough of your money in their pockets to regulate some other sucker to reduce emissions, you are a green-eco-happy-efficient-weeds-coming-out-of-your-ears HERO!

So wake up everybody. Not only is Global Warming a complete crock, but those perpetuating it are only doing so for corrupt gain of money and regulatory powers.

The EPA:the newest form of thuggary-

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